
Immune Boosters

Your immune system is so important to each of us, but during this pandemic crisis it is the best defense we have against the marauding CoVid19 virus.

So how about a few quick tips on how to boost the immune system to help us all out?

Sleep….so important, yet so many of us don’t leave time for good sleep which is a must to keep your immune system in top shape. I know a lot of people don’t believe that sleep is important but it really is one of the best things you can do for yourself. You really do need 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night. I know there are lots of times when it is hard to turn off that monkey mind and get to sleep but nowadays there are even apps that can help you with this. Sleep, sleep, sleep!

Fresh Air….if you can get outside in the sunshine for a brisk walk please do! The fresh air and a brisk walk will do more for your wellbeing and attitude than you can even imagine. It has definitely been helping me to keep my sanity.

Eat good food. I know this is hard too. It’s so much easier to grab some fast food just to fill that hole, but it would be much better to grab some raw fruit and/or veggies. It is understandable that during stressful times you don’t want to worry about eating healthy, but it is more important now than ever.

Laugh….Hard to do when so much is going on. But, it really will help and there is so much material available now that you can definitely find something online that will make you smile and hopefully provide a belly laugh. Laughter really does help you to strengthen your immune system.

I have written here many times before about Yoga and now, Yoga Nidra. I can honestly say that Yoga Nidra, which is a type of yoga where you just make yourself comfortable in a reclined position and listen to someone talking. It is a great stress reliever and has helped me so much during this trying times that I highly recommend it. There are apps online and free videos galore. Just search Yoga Nidra. I use the one from IAM Yoga and have been using it for a long time. I practice this at least 3-4 times a week and sometimes even more than once a day when it’s a particularly rough one.

So, here are just a few suggestions and I hope that one or more of them will help you. We hope you know that you are appreciated and can find the time to take care of yourself. You can’t take care of anyone else if you don’t put yourself first sometimes.