
Quick Tips to Reduce Stress

“Fight or Flight” mode was a survival instinct in our past when we faced danger. But in today’s world we can find our stress levels through the roof and “Fight or Flight” mode on during most of our waking hours. The world is moving faster and faster and as a healthcare traveler or travel nurse you see this every day. The caregiver has to find ways to relieve this stress, quickly and efficiently, to continue operating at optimum levels to provide proper care to our patients.

So, in that vein, here a few quick techniques to help you alleviate some stress each day.

First and foremost, sometimes you have to just stop what you are doing and take a few deep breaths and focus on the breath. Even one long deep breath is better than nothing. If you can take a moment to breathe deeply in and out a few times you will notice a difference. You must be in control of your body and reactions to what is happening at all times And a few deep breaths can really do wonders.

When you get a break or when you are home you could try some meditation for stress relief. There are many great apps out there now that can help you get started. Meditation has been shown to make positive changes to the brain almost immediately, relief of stress being one of the best effects.

Physical exercise or movement has always been my best stress buster. I prefer to walk or do something outside but I also do yoga in my small space each morning to keep my body moving There are great yoga apps available now too so that you basically have your own personal instructor teaching you. You can set the time, type, everything about it. I find these apps very useful to motivate myself to move. A quick walk is always good medicine for your stress. If you can get outside to do it – even better. Most areas have some tree lined paths you can walk. And, of course, sometimes when a stressful day is upon us it’s always good to just take a brisk walk down the hall and breathe and focus.

So please remember to take care of your stress. Breathe, walk, meditate, move your body. Stress is the most common cause of chronic illness today and you can make sure it doesn’t kill you just by observing and breathing and moving. Safe travels to all!