
Apple Cider Vinegar – Travel Nurse Staple

An affordable item when you are on a travel assignment, or not, that can and should be used for so many things in your household, Apple cider vinegar was always a staple in so many of our homes growing up. When on assignment it’s great to have something you can use for so many different things around the house and is affordable.

Apple cider vinegar mixed with water makes a deodorizing spray that will neutralize odors in the household. Due to its antibacterial properties it is also a great household cleaner. I personally prefer this to all the nasty chemicals sold in the stores. It’s also a great way to wash fruits and vegetables before consuming to get rid of any residual pesticides and/or bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar is a great aid for digestive issues. An old folk remedy to help if you are thinking about indulging in foods that normally upset your stomach, is to take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes or so before you eat. I personally drink two tablespoons of a brew that is a mixture of fermented honey, apple cider vinegar and garlic each morning and have been doing so for more than four years now. It keeps me healthy and my gut in good shape biologically.

If your throat is sore you can mix ¼ cup of warm water with ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and use it as a gargle, once each hour. It will create an acidic environment in which the germs cannot survive.

If you are somewhere that has biting insects, it turns out that apple cider vinegar will take the itch and sting right out of a bite or sting. I live in Florida and gets quite buggy here, quite often, so this little remedy has been a lifesaver.

Apple cider vinegar is great for your skin and can help keep acne under control. Mix water and apple cider vinegar in equal parts and shake well. Apply to your skin as a toner or to treat acne with a cotton ball.

Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in to thin mucus and prevent germ growth if you have a stuffy nose.

Apple cider vinegar is also used a treatment for common dandruff. It changes the pH of your scalp and makes it harder for yeast to grow. Mix ¼ cup water with a ¼ cup apple cider vinegar and put in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture on your head and wrap your head in a towel for 15 minutes to an hour, then wash as your normally would. You can do this up to two times a week if necessary.

If you need a quick natural energy boost, add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water or some vegetable juice. The amino acids in the apple cider vinegar can act as an antidote to the build up of lactic acid in your body after exercise which causes fatigue.

Gargling with apple cider vinegar in the morning and help whiten your teeth, remove stains and it will kill bacteria in your mouth and gums as well. Just brush as normal after you gargle.

These are just a few of the many uses I know of for this great household item. I’m sure you know of many more. Always great to have an affordable option that can be found everywhere and used for so many things, especially when on assignment in a new place. Safe travels!