
Top Travel Nurse Characteristics

What are the agencies in the medical field looking for in a travel nurse? Well, here are a few things that make you an outstanding travel nurse.

First of all you can to plan on adapting to a new environment, including new home, new work environment and new area. There are of course always going to be new people, new procedures, new processes and new….new…new….But you can handle it if you prepared yourself mentally for the challenges.

It is crucial to learn Why things happen the way they do at your new workplace, not just the procedures themselves. That way you can be laser focused on the care for your patients and make sure everything is documented properly.

Make sure to keep your relationships with your new co-workers professional. No need to gossip or tell stories, just be courteous and polite and apply your knowledge and training in the manner in which it was intended. Be careful what you say and if you do want to go out with the gang after work, make it a one and done.

Stay healthy and keep moving. These are just a few tips from many years in the travel nurse industry! Safe travels!