
A Banana A Day

This wonderful and beneficial fruit contains potassium, folate, fiber and Vitamin C. All of these things promote and support your heart health. Studies have shown that a high fiber diet lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and can lower your cholesterol.

The fiber and water contained in bananas encourages digestive health and promotes regularity. The BRAT diet which is highly recommended for digestive issues and to calm diarrhea stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. This has been a standard for many years.

The potassium contained in bananas helps maintain proper fluid levels in the body and can help regulate the movement of nutrients and waste in and out of your cells. It also helps the nerve cells respond and muscles to contract while keeping the heart beating regularly. It can also reduce your risk of developing kidney stones as you age. The potassium from a banana can also help manage your blood pressure while reducing the strain on your cardio system.

Another benefit is the tryptophan contained in bananas which is an amino acid that can help boost your ability to learn and remember things, as well as preserving your memory and regulating your mood.

One study even showed that when children who have asthma eat bananas, it can help prevent wheezing.

Some studies have shown that bananas are a good thing to add to your diet for cancer prevention. Bananas contain lots of great antioxidants like lectin and vitamin C can help the body remove free radicals.

So many of us don’t take into account how much our diet plays a role in our health and well being. As a travel nurse or professional healthcare traveler it is essential to keep your immune system in top shape to keep us healthy. We have to take care of ourselves so that we are able to take care of our patients. So….let’s add a banana a day to our diets. I know I will! Safe travels!