
Laughter Really Does Help

Thank goodness for the internet and all the great information and content available to us today. We can even call it up on our phones, a mobile computer we all carry in our pockets now.

Just a reminder, since there is sooooo much content available, maybe it’s time to watch something that will make you laugh. Laughing really can be the best medicine for lots of things, including an extremely stressful shift dealing with what is going on in the world.

Do you like to watch children playing? Kittens and puppies maybe? Or just some rude, raw comedy, or maybe your favorite sitcom. All of these are great avenues to explore in order to take your mind off the real world and harsh reality of our day to day lives.

This is not something that any of us have lived through before. Maybe our parents or grandparents saw some of the strife in the world created by wars, famines, floods and so many other things. But most of us have not ever witnessed a complete shutdown of the world as we know it. No more restaurants, bars, concerts, working out at the gym and so many things that were once a part of our every day life.

Change has come and who knows what the new normal will look like or when this crisis will end. All we can do is get through each day, maybe even just get through your shift and try to rest up and take some semblance of care for ourselves.

So, this is just a friendly reminder to find something that makes you laugh and try to partake of it as often as you can. A smile or a belly laugh will improve your mood and even boost your immune system. Enjoy something that makes you laugh and smile, even if only for a few minutes.

Be safe and keep up the good work! The world is changing and we shall see how it looks on the other side! And, of course, Thank You!